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Collection's Items (Sorted by Data de depósito in descendente order): 1 to 11 of 11
5-Abr-2020Mateiais CompositosFreitas, Manuel
Abr-2020On the Tortuosity of TPMS Sca olds for Tissue EngineeringGuerreiro, R.; Pires, T.; Guedes, J. M.; Fernandes, P. R.; Castro, A. P. G.
Jan-2019Finite element modelling of the developing infant femur using paired CT and MRI scansCastro, A. P. G.; Altai, Z.; Offiah, A. C.; Shelmerdine, S. C.; Arthurs, O. J.; Lacroix, D.; Li, X.
Fev-2021Computational Challenges in Tissue Engineering for The SpineCastro, A. P. G.
Abr-2019Permeability versus Design in TPMS ScaffoldsCastro, A. P. G.; Tires, T.; Santos, J. E.; Gouveia, B. P.; Fernandes, P. R.
Nov-2018Micromechanical study of the load transfer in a polycaprolactone–collagen hybrid scaffold when subjected to unconfined and confined compressionCastro, A. P. G.; Lacroix, D.
Out-2018Poroelastic Modeling of Highly Hydrated Collagen Hydrogels: Experimental Results vs. Numerical Simulation With Custom and Commercial Finite Element SolversCastro, André P. G.; Yao, Jiang; Battisti, Tom; Lacroix, Damien
Nov-2016Evaluation of spinal posture using Microsoft KinectTM: A preliminarycase-study with 98 volunteersCastro, A. P. G.; Pacheco, J. D.; Lourenço, C.; Queirós, S.; Moreira, A. H. J.; Rodrigues, N. F.; Vilaça, J. L.
Fev-2016Combined numerical and experimental biomechanical characterization of soft collagen hydrogel substrateCastro, A. P. G.; Laity, p.; Shariotzadeh, M.; Wittkowske, C.; Holland, C.; Lacroix, D.
Nov-2014Long-term creep behavior of the intervertebral disk: comparison between bioreactor data and numerical resultsCastro, A. P. G.; Paul, C. P. L.; Detiger, S.E.L. et. al; Smit, T. H.; Van Royen, B. J.; Claro, J. C. Pimenta; Mullender, M. G.
2017Optimal Cruciform Specimen Design Using the Direct Multi-search Method and Design Variable Influence StudyBaptista, R; Claudio, RA; Reis, L; Madeira, JFA; Freitas, M
Collection's Items (Sorted by Data de depósito in descendente order): 1 to 11 of 11