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Title: Portuguese Case Study
Authors: Lourenço, Nelson
Russo Machado, Carlos
Keywords: Global Change
Human dimensions
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: IHDP
Citation: Lourenço, N.; Machado, C. R. 1999. Portuguese Case Study. in Shaw, R.V. (ed.). Symposium: National Human Dimensions Programmes in the European Union. Bonn: IHDP. pp 147-159.
Abstract: In Portugal, only in the recent times the scientific study of the environment, with its methodological and epistemological aspects, has been faced as priority to the scientific research. In general, the studies have been centred on environmental physical dimensions. The research on the importance of the population, as an agent of change and as a subject of the environmental change has been, until recent years, rather neglected.
Appears in Collections:A CTAD/GAT - Parte ou Capitulo de Livros

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