Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10884/537
Título: From Risk Awareness to Security Controls: Bene ts of Honeypots to Companies
Autores: Sergio, Nunes
Miguel, Correia
Palavras-chave: Security
Data: 21-Mar-2012
Resumo: Many companies are deploying their business on the Internet using web applications while the question of what is the risk to business operations of cyber-attacks remains unanswered. Risk awareness allows to identify and act upon the security risk of these applications. This paper analyzes di erent security frameworks commonly used by companies in order to evaluate the bene ts of honeypots in responding to each framework's requirements and, consequently, mitigating the risk.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10884/537
Aparece nas colecções:A CTIC/GSC - Artigos

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